University Course: Authentic Teaching – Facilitating Encounters

A course offered by Weitblick GmbH to promote teachers’ health, professional satisfaction and professionalism by examining the basic attitudes and assumptions of existential pedagogy in depth. This training is offered to teachers of all school levels and types.
A course offered by Weitblick GmbH in cooperation with Dr. Christoph Kolbe to promote teachers’ health, professional satisfaction and professionalism by examining the basic attitudes and assumptions of Existential Pedagogy in depth. This training is offered to teachers of all school levels and types.
The next course starts in September of 2023 in Heiden (Appenzell Ausserrhoden, Switzerland). The course fee is: 1500,- CHF. Course dates: 18-19.09.23 / 08.-09.11.23 / 06-07.02.24 / 08-11.04.24
If you are interested, please contact Daniel Scheyer (
existential pedagogy, relationship competence, school health promotion, teacher health, professionalisation
Initial Situation
- In the area of mental health, Austrian teachers face above-average stress as compared to the general population. An additional aggravation of this stress situation is emerging (Hofmann, 2013).
- 20% of teachers suffer from stress-related health disorders that require treatment (Bauer et al., 2007).
Solution Approach
- The strongest protective factors for stress-related health burdens among teachers are sustainable relationships and social support (Werner & Smith, 2001). With this in mind, this course is entirely dedicated to human interaction and promotes the ability to form constructive relationships based on existential pedagogy.
- In addition to an in-depth examination of the self-understanding of one’s own pedagogical attitude and its impact on the pedagogical process, this training conveys a differentiated psychological understanding of how to understand people in their uniqueness, possibilities, behaviour and intentions. This ability to see people in their essence and uniqueness provides confidence in the management of pedagogical processes and facilitates constructive relationships with pupils, colleagues and parents, and this is particularly helpful when it is a question of promoting the individual in their potentiality or finding an approach to people when dealing with their conspicuous behaviour.
The Project
- Development of an in-service course (scope: 6 ECTS credits, duration: 2 semesters) to teach basic assumptions and attitudes of Existential Pedagogy (see information folder).
- Continuous implementation of the course in cooperation with the PH Vorarlberg under the direction of Dr. paed. Christoph Kolbe.
- Scientific evaluation of the course and composition of a textbook on existential pedagogy based on the course
- Continuing reflection groups for (former) course participants
The Effects
- Short-term results (output): strengthening of pedagogical professionalism in terms of the EPIK domain model (see Schrittesser, 2011).
- Medium-term effects (outcome): increased job satisfaction
Long-term effects (Impact): reduction of stress-related health disorders
Bauer, J. et al (2007). Working conditions, adverse events, and mental health problems in a sample of 949 German teachers. International Archives of Enviromental and Occupational Health, 80, S.442-449
Obsuth I. et al (2016). A Non-bipartite Propensity Score Analysis oft he Effects of Teacher-Student Relationships on Adolescent Problem an Prosocial Behavior. Journal of Youth and Adolescence (Juni 2016).
Hattie, J. (2014). Lernen sichtbar machen für Lehrpersonen: Überarbeitete deutschsprachige Ausgabe von "Visible Learning for Teachers". Schneider Verlag: Hohengehren, Baltmannsweiler
Kolbe, C. (2006). Die personale Motivation und Dialogfähigkeit in der Pädagogik, in: K.Aregger, E.M.Waibel (Hrsg.), Schulleben und Lebensschule. Beiträge einer existentiellen Pädagogik, Donauwörth/Luzern: Auer/Comenius, S. 36-46
Kolbe, C. (2010). Sinn im Unterricht - Authentisch lehren, in: Existenzanalyse 27/1/2010, S. 25-28
Hofmann, F. & Felder-Puig, R. (2013). HBSC Factsheet. Gesundheitszustand und –verhalten österreichischer Lehrkräfte: Ergebnisse der Lehrer/innen-Gesundheitsbefragung 2010. Wien: Bundesministerium für Gesundheit.
Werner, E. & Smith, R. (2001). Journeys from Childhood to Midlife. Risk, Resilience and Recovery. New York: Cornell.
Schrittesser, I. & Schratz, M. & Paseka, A. (2011). Pädagogische Professionalität: quer denken - umdenken - neu denken. Impulse für next practice im Lehrerberuf. Facultas: Wien.