Completed Projects

Weitblick GmbH  develops and promotes socially innovative projects in the areas of psychosocial health promotion, education, enviromental and climate education as well as environmental protection.

World Peace Game – peace work and children’s participation

The World Peace Game is a one-week simulation game for children. It deepens practical socio-political knowledge and expands conflict resolution skills on both a local and global level. The insights gained are directly transferred to the children’s living environment in participation processes at the community level.

Project Funding: “Don’t Panic!” Political education from the home

In view of the current Covid pandemic, school operations were unceremoniously switched to home schooling. The “Don’t Panic” project by Sapere Aude provides teachers with teaching materials related to the Covid crisis, and it focuses on the political dimensions of the issue. This provides a sense of security and makes it possible to better deal with the challenges of the crisis.

Project Funding: “Raum für Geburt und Sinne” (“Room for Birth and the Senses”) – art project and prototype with a vision for the future

The “Room for Birth and the Senses” project was realised as an external part of the “geburtskultur. vom gebären und geboren warden” (“birth culture. of giving birth and being born”) anniversary exhibition of the Hittisau Women’s Museum in 2020. It consists of a walk-in clay body that makes it possible to directly experience the influence of space and environment on birth and physical regeneration processes. The art project represents a plea for a creative and contemporary approach to the topics of room and birth.

Project Funding: 30 Years of Integration Vorarlberg – video interviews for teaching and learning purposes

The founders of the “Integration Vorarlberg. Für ein gutes Leben mit Behinderung” (“Integration Vorarlberg. For a good life with disabilities”) association have gathered complex know-how about inclusive lifestyles over the past 30 years. They know all about stumbling blocks, injuries, challenges and moments of happiness, and they’re experts on inclusive lifestyles. They’ve produced video interviews to document the complex experiential knowledge of Vorarlberg’s pioneers of inclusion and made these available for educational purposes.

Project Funding: “GUT LESEN – GERNE LESEN” (“READING WELL – READING WITH PLEASURE”) – 2020 reading symposium

The first Vorarlberg reading symposium for educators and librarians offered its approximately 160 participants a variety of offers, specialised information, workshops and ideas on the topic of “promoting reading”.

Project Funding: Marie, the Vorarlberg street newspaper

The street newspaper marie provides a voice for marginalised groups in the city Vorarlberg. It is an offer of self-help for people in Vorarlberg living at or below the poverty line.

Project Funding: Vindex – Protection and Asylum

Vindex is an intercultural association of recognised convention refugees, asylum seekers and local residents. As an association, Vindex advises and supports people who have asked for protection in Austria to gain a foothold here and put down roots.

Project Funding: University course in personal school development

Through the in-depth examination of basics of existential analysis, existential coaching and existential pedagogy, school leaders learn about concepts oriented towards existential analysis that support them in their school, staff and teaching development. The goal is a personally oriented school with motivated children and authentic teachers that serves the development of all persons involved in the school.

Project Cooperation: Selbst.Wert.Sinn (“Self.Value.Meaning”) Symposium – a pedagogical treasure hunt

The Selbst.Wert.Sinn (“Self.Value.Meaning”) symposium, which will take place on June 25, 2022 in the Pförtnerhaus Feldkirch, offers everyone who works with children and adolescents an opportunity to deal with the topics of appreciation and the development of potential from the perspective of existential pedagogy in depth.