Media owner, publisher and producer:
Weitblick GmbH
Im Hag 16b
A-6840 Götzis, Austria
Company register: FN 441566 m
Place of jurisdiction: LG Feldkirch
Basic orientation
Weitblick GmbH is a non-profit company financed by grants from its sole shareholder, an Austrian private foundation holding various corporate investments. As a 100% subsidiary of this private foundation, Weitblick GmbH is politically independent and does not rely on generating profits or public funds. According to its declaration of incorporation, the company exclusively and directly pursues non-profit purposes and is committed to promoting the general public in all its activities. The fiscal structure, which is based solely on equity capital, prevents financial dependencies of any kind, especially on corporate groups, local authorities or political parties. Its organisational structure allows Weitblick GmbH to raise the funds it needs independently and without any external influence.
General contact
Christian Kathan
Weitblick GmbH endeavours to keep the information published on this website correct and up to date, but accepts no responsibility or liability for the content being fully up to date, accurate or complete. In this respect, Weitblick GmbH cannot be held liable for any material or non-material damage that may result from the use of the content. Since errors cannot be entirely ruled out, please send an e-mail to the editorial office if you find any errors.
Copyright © 2019 Weitblick GmbH. All rights reserved. Texts, layout, graphics and images used as well as individual contributions to this Internet presentation are the intellectual property of Weitblick GmbH or were made available to it by the respective owners for this purpose and are therefore protected by copyright. The content of this site may not be reproduced in any form or processed, duplicated or distributed using electronic systems without written permission from Weitblick GmbH.
External links and framing
This website contains links to external sites on the Internet whose content, data protection, further linking and updating are not under Weitblick GmbH’s sphere of influence. Weitblick GmbH accepts no liability or responsibility for the content and data protection of external, linked websites. Weitblick GmbH distances itself from the material of all third-party internet web sites, even if Weitblick GmbH web site links to these external sites. This declaration applies to all links displayed on this Internet presentation. Furthermore, the information published there does not reflect the opinion of Weitblick GmbH.
Data protection
When you visit the Weitblick GmbH website, information (date, time, page accessed) about the access may be stored on the server. No personal data (e.g. name, address or e-mail address) is stored.
Insofar as personal data is collected, this is only done with the prior consent of the user of the website. Data will not be passed on to third parties without the express consent of the user.
Weitblick GmbH notes that there are security gaps in the transmission of data on the Internet and that complete protection of data against access by third parties cannot be guaranteed. Weitblick GmbH accepts no liability for any damage caused by such security gaps.
The use of contact data by third parties for commercial purposes is expressly prohibited unless Weitblick GmbH has given prior written consent.
In the event that unsolicited advertising information is sent, in particular by e-mail, Weitblick GmbH reserves the right to take legal action.
Creation / Production
Design: Ulf Harr, Concept: Paul Verocai. Start image: Eva Kern, Peter Bosch (technology). Programming: togger. org.
All persons involved in the design are non-profit oriented.