Shaping the Future

Weitblick GmbH develops innovative projects in the fields of psychosocial health promotion, education, enviromental and climate education as well as environmental protection.


Ahueni’s mission is to provide high quality carbon credits in accordance with UNFCCC standards to a growing network of selected carbon offset buyers. Essential core elements consist of a consideration of local community interests and a deep respect for the eco-system.

University Course: Authentic Teaching – Facilitating Encounters

A course offered by Weitblick GmbH to promote teachers’ health, professional satisfaction and professionalism by examining the basic attitudes and assumptions of existential pedagogy in depth. This training is offered to teachers of all school levels and types.

“Weltklimaspiel“ (“World Climate Game”) – Shaping the Future Together

The World Climate Game is an app-based three-day board game for school classes around the topic of climate change and sustainability. The game experience promotes understanding of the complex interrelationships of a global climate crisis. It aims to convey solution strategies and confidence in the face of this major social challenge of our time.

“Gemeinsam stark werden” (“Becoming Strong Together”) – The Life Skills Programme for Primary Schools

“Becoming Strong Together” is a teaching programme to strengthen the life skills that are prerequisites for a healthy, self-determined and fulfilled life. The implementation of the programme promotes basic trust, the ability to relate, self-worth and the realisation of values of children of primary school age and supports them on their way to a self-reliant life full of joy, courage and zest for action.

Project Cooperation: “Existential Pedagogy and Psychosocial Counselling” Master’s Programme

Through an in-depth examination of basic attitudes and assumptions of existential pedagogy, participants are qualified to strengthen children’s and adolescents’ personalities and support them in leading healthy, fulfilled lives.

Project Funding: “Kindheit, Jugend und Gesellschaft” (“Childhood, Youth and Society”) film channel

Selected contributions of the “Childhood, Youth and Society” congress, organised by the “Welt der Kinder” (“World of Children”) network, will be recorded on video and made available to the general public on a You-Tube channel free of charge.

“jung&weise” (“young & wise”) – Youth participation

The “young & wise” participation programme was developed by the “Welt der Kinder” (World of Children) network under the direction of Carmen Feuchtner and funded by the Vorarlberg municipalities/regions, the Vorarlberg state government and Weitblick GmbH. It aims to support adolescents in formulating their concerns and then implementing them in their own living environment.

Project Cooperation: GLOBART Academy

The GLOBART Academy is a think tank for future issues and a resonance space for social and cultural reflection at the intersection of art and science.

Project Funding: “Honigbrot” (“Honey Bread”) Intercultural Women’s Dialogue

Moderierte interkulturelle Dialoge ermöglichen Deutsch und/oder Arabisch sprechenden Frauen in einen gemeinsamen Austausch miteinander zu gehen. Die Haltung des Dialogs unterstützt eine Begegnung auf Augenhöhe und einen respektvollen Austausch über unterschiedliche Themen, die die Frauen bewegen.

Project Funding: "Take Care Take Action. Participation, Self-Efficacy, Resilience for Young People."

The participatory school project "Take Care Take Action" for young people aims to take care of oneself and others – "Take Care," as well as to engage in self-effective action together – "Take Action."