Project Funding: Vindex – Protection and Asylum
refugees, asylum seekers, integration, psychosocial support, legal advice, human rights, prevention of radicalisation
Flüchtlinge, Asylsuchende, Integration, Psychosoziale Begleitung, Rechtsberatung, Menschenrechte, Radikalisierungsprävention
The Organisation
Vindex’s strength lies in the fact that the association is supported by people who themselves came to Austria as refugees, suffered trauma and went through asylum procedures, who had to overcome language barriers and find their way in a new country, and who experienced help and had to struggle with rejection. Now they want to use this experience to support other people.
Vindex seeks dialogue, wants to draw attention, provide information. It wants to demonstrate and demand tolerance and equality. Vindex understands integration as a diversity of cultures, as enrichment and an open approach to each other.
Vindex fights for the respect of human rights and for the restoration of the right to asylum.
Vindex wants to contribute its share to international understanding and tolerance, as well as human dignity and reconciliation.
The association combines concrete legal and social help in individual cases and is predisposed to the side of the refugees.
Range of services
- “Vindex – Schutz und Asyl“ (“Vindex – Protection and Asylum”) offers counselling, legal representation and social support during and after the asylum procedure.
- Help for asylum seekers
- Support during hearings before the BFA and BVwG, as well as to Immigration Police proceedings
- Taking legal action in cooperation with legal advisors and solicitors
- Counselling and support for legally rejected asylum seekers
- Social and mental support for all issues
- Help for recognised refugees
- Social and legal support for recognised refugees
- Crisis intervention, psychosocial counselling and referral to psychotherapeutic care
- Counselling and placement for vocational integration (incl. qualification measures)
- Support with school problems
- Support in cases of delinquency and involvement in preventive measures
- Parent and family support
- Information on citizens’ rights
- German courses for special target groups
- Providing strength and encouragement for self-empowerment
Vindex also focuses on preventing radicalisation, raising awareness of human rights and advising social institutions and authorities.
Our Contribution
Proportional funding of Vindex staff costs for the 2015-2019 period.