Project Funding: “Kindheit, Jugend und Gesellschaft” (“Childhood, Youth and Society”) film channel

Selected contributions of the “Childhood, Youth and Society” congress, organised by the “Welt der Kinder” (“World of Children”) network, will be recorded on video and made available to the general public on a You-Tube channel free of charge.
“World of Children” has been organising international congresses since 2000, initially on the topic of “Childhood and Trauma” (2000-2006), and on the cross-sectional topic of “Childhood, Youth and Society” since 2007: in transdisciplinary exchange, representatives from research and practice reflect on the state of the art of their respective disciplines (psychosocial disciplines, medicine, anthropology, political science, demography, etc.) for the ‘professional village’. Since 2014, selected film contributions have been made available on the YouTube channel of the “World of Children” network free of charge – an orientation offer for preventive measures in excellent quality:
professional village, “Childhood, Youth and Society” congress, e-learning, expert voices, social innovation
Initial Situation
Our modern society is highly complex, diverse and subject to continuous, accelerated change, which also applies to our knowledge and ideas on how to enable children to grow up in a healthy way. In addition to researching and publishing in these subject areas, the transfer of this knowledge into public awareness, institutions and social facilities must be ensured.
Solution Approach
The “Childhood, Youth and Society” congress makes it possible to make current research results, theories and practical approaches to fostering the best interests of the child accessible. The archiving and publication of media allows this knowledge to be disseminated far beyond the congress itself.
The Project
Weitblick GmbH finances the technical processing of the film contributions and contributes to their publication.
The Effects
- Direct results (output): the presentations of the “Childhood, Youth & Society” congress are made accessible to a broad audience.
- Medium-term impact (outcome): knowledge and expertise from the presentations will be disseminated and used in wider contexts, such as higher education or programme development of social, health and education institutions.
- Long-term effects (impact): in society as a whole, the understanding of the growing generation is improved, programmes of social facilities and institutions become more child-friendly and society becomes more sensitive to specific challenges of growing up in the present.